Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Call to Repentance Scripture Chain regarding the "Policy Change”

This is not meant to offend.  I’m just putting this out there in case anybody knows one of the 5 virgins referred to.  I hope this can be seen as an invitation for all of us to draw closer to the Savior.

Try reading Matthew 15:1-13, but replace the following words:
Virgin = Church member
Lamp = Policy
Oil = Charity
The Bridegroom = The Savior
Trimmed = updated
Gone out = obsolete
Sell = help you develop charity
Buy = develop

Now I'm not going to say anything about "the Policy".  I sustain modern prophets, seers, and revelators, because I believe they receive direct revelation regarding their stewardship.  For us as individual members to worry too much about their stewardship would be straining at a gnat when there's a really big camel that needs to be addressed.

This parable holds a pretty strong warning to those foolish virgins.  There is a similar warning in
Matt. 25:41-46 …Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

We can read Mosiah 4:17-26, but replace the following word:
Substance = pure love, or respect, or grace, or mercy, or forgiveness

Economic exclusivity surely prevents us from establishing Zion, just as it may have contributed to the latter-day saint eviction from Missouri years ago.  I really hope we're not going down that same route again.

Our leaders have encouraged us to improve our Sabbath day observance and make our worship more meaningful.  One clear way that we can each improve our Sabbath day worship was taught by the Savior himself:
Matt. 5:23-25 ...first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer they gift.  Agree with thine adversary quickly…lest…(ominous music here)

In D&C 121:43, the same specific injunction, to show an increase of love and not create our own enemies, is mentioned along with our rights to use Heavenly Father’s Priesthood power and to connect with Heaven.

D&C 64:9 reads pretty clearly.  Withholding forgiveness is a greater sin than the sin of our neighbor who wrongs us.

If we’re going to start comparing sins, let’s actually look at the direct comparison made in Ezekial between the sins of Sodom.  What was Sodom’s sin really?  Was it primarily homosexuality?

Ezekial 16:49-50, 52 …this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty…  Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they: they are more righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear thy shame, in that thou hast justified thy sisters.”

We have to remember what Jesus taught in both Jerusalem and in Book of Mormon lands about how we pass judgment on others.  See 3 Ne. 14:2-4 and Matt. 7:2-5.

Remember 1 Cor. 13?

Unfortunately, without charity in this case, we aren't just “nothing”.  We might actually be considered “abominable”.  That word “tinkling” is also used in 2 Ne. 13:16, which makes the foolish virgins start to sound more like the “daughters of Zion”.  And we all know what happens to them… (ominous music again)

We might need to start reading all of the scriptures about charity again without the beam in our eyes.  For example, try reading Matt. 22:36-40 and replace the following word:  Neighbor = LGBT neighbor

And of course “who is my neighbor?”  See Luke 2:29-37 for the answer.

See if the spirit of D&C 42:48-52 fits when you replace the following words:
See = fall in love with a woman
Hear = live a celibate life
Leap = have a happy and successful heterosexual marriage

Bearing each other infirmities?  This starts to sound a lot like the covenant that I made to even become one of the parabolic 10 virgins in the first place.  See Mosiah 18:9-11

The Bridegroom is coming, and we have been invited to step up our game individually and as a body of saints.  We're supposed to be building Zion, becoming more united, more fit for the kingdom!  I believe our Heavenly Father wants us to increase in charity towards all people!

Joseph Smith once said, “It is one evidence that men are unacquainted with the principles of godliness to behold the contraction of affectionate feelings and lack of charity in the world. The power and glory of godliness is spread out on a broad principle to throw out the mantle of charity. God does not look on sin with allowance, but when men have sinned, there must be allowance made for them. …The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs.”

If this is difficult to hear, we know from 2 Ne 9:40 that the wicked do sometimes take the truth to be hard.  Luckily Alma 32:28 teaches the way to discern if words are true or not.  It is worth experimenting on them to see if “…it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me”.  I believe that by faith, it is possible to lay hold on every good thing, including charity for others, even those we do not understand or agree with.

Now on the flip-side, we also need to increase in "charity to the household of faith" too (D&C 121:45).  We are to forgive all, even the foolish virgins.  Christ commanded in John 13:34-35 “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  I believe many more souls may be brought unto Christ due to this so-called “policy change” if we are wise virgins and let the light of our lamps shine brighter (see 3 Ne. 12:16 and Matt. 5:16).

"All" includes LGBT.  (Rom. 14:10-13)

I hope the good and healing discussions continue, and if there is contention, maybe its best if we just do as President Uchtdorf counsels and "Stop it!"

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Policy

Recently the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints changed its policy regarding same-sex marriage and its relationship to families of same-sex marriage.  Here is my take on the policy change.

I'm not going to express myself very precisely or succinctly, but that's not my style anyway, so I'll just clumsily type away and hope the spirit of what I'm trying to say can get through and not be misinterpreted as hostile, antagonistic, prideful, defensive, or posturing expression of ignorance or attention seeking. I don't feel that way at all. Here goes...

Politics often seem impersonal to me, with its legal jargon and all, phrase like "18 years old". I see the recent change in policy as a diplomatic statement from one political entity to another, basically between kingdoms. If the international organization of the Church and a government were two people instead of organizations, each of them is entitled to their own "beliefs" and personal boundaries. I suppose diplomatic relations between governments would sometimes require hard lines, just as some interpersonal relationships do. This allows the two entities to coexist and hopefully stay civil. Perhaps there actually is significant legal threat to the Church that I'm not aware of. In that case, it seems wise to establish and hold clear diplomacy lines. So that's my thought on official policies, which any organization can enact. Its a policy. Policy isn't doctrine, but the doctrine didn't change anyway. The doctrines were already in place and reiterated fairly often over the past decades. 

Now here's another thought: I can think of examples in times past when God has reproved with sharpness, laid down commandments and enforced them with sometimes drastic consequences. I know I've felt His sharp spiritual reproof at times in my own life. But He shows forth afterwards an increase of love to others and me, to show that His faithfulness is stronger even than death. Whether or not the change in policy was only political in nature, it still may feel like extremely sharp reproof to some.  And are we trying to make enemies?  I don't believe we are.

So where is the "increase of love" which ought to follow reproof (see D&C 121:43)? It may be realized after this life or when the Savior comes. For the time being, I have taken the policy change as an invitation to personally try harder to be God's hands, to show an increase of love, greater empathy, support, and compassion. I'm not as good at this as others are. I'm impressed with others who have put a human-ness on what otherwise is policy/politics. The policy change has given them and me an opportunity to become more Christlike. A few months before the policy change was publicized, I think there was some statement from the Church or one of the Church leaders about how members can express disagreement over the Church's policies/politics, as if to give room for a loophole. So am I stretching to find a loophole? Perhaps. And what if love can be the loophole? 

We actually have an excellent example in the Book of Mormon of a similar situation. The 2,000 stripling warriors completely honored their parents and the kingdom by taking the approach opposite their parents' "Policy". Did they condemn their parents for their oath? Not at all. The righteousness and courage of the 2,000 actually allowed their parents to keep their oath, which their parents made for their own personal reasons. They honored their parent's policy. So what is the parallel for me? The Church changed its policy for its own personal reasons, but are Church leaders really completely unfeeling and unaware? I haven't had any personal experience to indicate this. To the contrary, I've heard personal accounts of and witnessed public expressions of great compassion, solidarity, and encouragement from Church leaders, as well as admitted ignorance and questions, but also great effort and desire to understand. I'm certain some of them have wept more than once this past month. Perhaps they are not free to soften the policy, either due to legal ramifications down the road or divine directions? 

Regardless, what is my part in all this? Am I a government or an international organization? No. Did I put the policy in place? No. I am as one of the 2,000 stripling warriors. I see this as an invitation to actually do what I have personally covenanted to do and been invited and inspired to do by countless scriptures, promptings, and words of these very leaders in times past. I can become the Lord's hands, show forth an increase of love myself, lest I am esteemed to be an enemy, pray even more earnestly for charity, the pure love of Christ that endures forever. I believe as a result of this policy change, some will grow even closer to God, and become even more "disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls", more pure, with hearts knit together in unity and love. I've found that I actually have more oil in my own lamp than I realized. 

Others may miss this opportunity to increase in love. I really feel that those who seek for greater truth and light will find what they seek, and I believe it is in the middle, where the Mediator is. For me, the straight and narrow path is the fine line between mercy bordering on permissiveness and righteousness bordering on self-righteousness. Either extreme is growing distasteful to me, and yet God has blessed and blesses my own broken road... Is my "love unfeigned" yet? Am I still gratifying my pride or my "vain ambition"? Am I completely "without hypocrisy and without guile"? Hah, nope, and yep, and nope! I covenanted to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort, whether they be on one side of the path or the other. I can do better at empathizing and supporting both LGBT friends and strangers on the one hand and LDS leaders and "the household of faith" on the other hand. 

In summary, I sustain and love my Priesthood leaders.  I'm glad that I'm responsible for my own efforts within my own sphere and not bigger more complex decisions in play in global politics and the culmination of the latter-day countdown.

I hope this perspective is helpful or enlightening for somebody. Maybe there's a better way to reason this through.  

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." -Rumi